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We are restricting the use of our church and parish house to “closed” worship with no more than ten assisting the priest. We live-stream most of our Sunday and Weekday services on our Facebook page (“All Saints’ Church). You are encouraged to say your daily offices or family prayers at home. It is permissible for people to come to Thursday and Feast Day/Solemnity Holy Communion and Daily Offices but only if the priest is notified beforehand: Attendance under ten (preferably under five) and arrangements for hand sanitizer, spaced seating, etc. must be made. Please do not “just show up” for these services. Stations of the Cross with sermon for Friday Nights in Lent (7:00 p.m.) are also live-streamed as is our Wednesday Lenten teaching sessions at 7:00 p.m. The cloister door and chapel will remain open during the day for quiet prayer and meditation. Those who do come are asked a book in the seat they occupied, enabling us to keep the chapel sanitized. The office phone is manned most days, but leave a message if no one answers. All these procedures are in place at least until May 4th, at which time they will be reviewed in concert with the diocese and local health officials. Let’s continue in fellowship, to the best of our abilities, until then.

Earlier Event: February 25
Later Event: May 3